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´We are a regional company, with activities in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Costa Rica´

Monday 07 de February 2022 / 07:10

2 minutos de lectura

(Buenos Aires, SoloAzar).- Guillermo Gabella, Director of Public and Corporate Affairs of the Boldt Group, granted an interview to SoloAzar, in which he analyzed the situation of the sector and took stock of the group's performance in 2021. "We have enormous expectations in the consolidation of the BPlay brand as the country's leader in virtual casino and sports betting," he said.

´We are a regional company, with activities in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Costa Rica´

What evaluation can you make about the performance of the firm in 2021, as well as the gaming sector and the markets in which the firm participates?
The truth is that due to the effect of COVID, it was a very challenging year for our group, however, and beyond the negative effects that the pandemic had for many sectors and considering that the activity of physical casinos and bingo halls has been possibly the most affected, we have overcome the crisis, thanks to the commitment and understanding of our people, and also of the unions in the sector, as well as suppliers and advisors.

Clearly, the market suffered damage with the room closures, but in turn, the slogan "stay home" left a platform for the development of online gaming, where our group has great regional leadership through BPlay.

What are the expectations of the firm for 2022?
We hope to leave behind the crisis that the pandemic generated, define those resources that we have, in particular, in terms of human resources, COVID generated an enormous number of situations in people who chose to change not only their way of working but also their way of live, and that also allowed us to discover those profiles that had not only the temperance to withstand the crisis, but also the ability to reinvent themselves, without diminishing their commitment to the organization.

We have great expectations in the consolidation of the BPlay brand as the country's leader in virtual casino and sports betting. Today we are a regional brand (we are in Paraguay, Santa Fe, CABA and Pcia de Bs As) and we aspire to obtain licenses in some more provinces and to continue training people who dominate the business.

All this while keeping an eye on new technological developments and promoting the different entertainment centers that the group has.
On the technological side, we are working in our Software Factory (with a hundred technicians) to develop innovative products with blockchain technology, as well as incorporating different tools to explore new features (NFT, crypto alternatives, big data, etc.)


Tags: Sin tags

País: Argentina



09 de April 2024

Mesa redonda imperdível com especialistas em eSports no GAT

(Cartagena, Exclusive SoloAzar) - Os eSports continuam crescendo no mercado de jogos da América Latina. Nessa conferência, que fez parte da recente edição do GAT, um painel de especialistas analisou o presente e o futuro dos eSports na região e esclareceu como promover essa área crescente do mercado de jogos.

Apresentação de inovações: Destaques da WA.Technology na GAT Expo 2024

(Cartagena das Índias, SoloAzar Exclusivo) - Em uma entrevista exclusiva com Patricio Molloy, desenvolvedor de negócios para a América Latina da WA.Technology, nós nos aprofundamos nas últimas ofertas apresentadas por essa empresa líder em soluções de jogos na GAT Expo Cartagena 2024. Desde uma plataforma de iGaming de ponta a ponta até a integração de IA de última geração, descubra como essa empresa está moldando o futuro das experiências de jogos na América Latina e além.

Jogo responsável, regulamentação e certificação na América Latina e no Caribe

(Cartagena das Índias, SoloAzar Exclusive) - Karen Sierra-Hughes, vice-presidente para a América Latina, Caribe e Espanha da GLI (Gaming Laboratories International), conduziu a Conferência Corporativa da GLI: Tecnologia e Jogos Sustentáveis. Com sua vasta experiência como consultora de regulamentação de jogos na região, Karen ofereceu perspectivas importantes sobre como a tecnologia pode impulsionar a sustentabilidade no setor de jogos.


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